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From the very morning, the participants reflected in small groups, talking about their feelings from the previous day and developing strategies for more productive communication.

The second day will be an important experience for many: we will moderate the discussion “Why do genderqueers need feminism?”. The speaker will tell a personal story of a person with a physiological female gender and no social gender (identifies as an agender person). After the lecture, the participants will discuss the performativity of gender, variations in gender identification, talk about their own gender vision, and reflect on the intersection of feminism and LGBT activism.

In the afternoon, there will be a lecture “On Education and Awareness of Gender Issues. Strategies, tools, approaches, arguments”. Educational institutions are ready to accept feminist ideas, ideas of gender equality, but are mostly afraid when feminism is openly called feminism. However, when the phrases “women’s rights” and “equality of women and men” are used, the administration of the educational institution is more likely to make contact. The information-packed day will end with a discussion about trans-inclusive and trans-exclusive feminism.